Stuttering/ Stammering therapy Department


Stuttering (Stammering) is a speech disorder that affects about 1 % of the population. The cause of stuttering is not known but there is no evidence to shows that stuttering can be learnt from imitation or due to lack of confidence or parental pressure. The only cause that has proven to be significant is family history.


The focus of speech language therapist in Samvaad is to reduce the stuttering instances and reduce any associated anxiety.  At Samvaad, we offer an intensive 12 day individual sessions in the beginning of the treatment phase and slowly reduced to once to twice week. We also offer three times a week sessions as per the clients convenience. Skype sessions  are also available

Samvaad uses speech therapy strategies with behavioral principles to keep the client motivated

Samvaad has a psychologist who works along a speech therapist who helps to resolve any anxiety issues faced by a person who stutters.

Outdated methods

Evidence based therapy

Reading aloud

Marbles in the mouth


Gargling with water

Finger thumb tapping

Response cost

Pause and talk


Modified airflow


RADHIKA POOVAYYA, MSc , BCBA, heads the department

AMULYA P, MASLP, is a senior speech therapist who supervises the therapy of the clients.

 About 70 percent of children who begin to stammer in childhood will outgrow the stuttering, but there is no way to predict  who will recover and who will continue to stammer. Hence, we recommend to start therapy at the earliest.

Can children develop stammering due to emotional trauma?

 Facts about stuttering

Stuttering is more prevalent in males than females

Stuttering begins between 2.5 years to 6 years

Stuttering is not a sign of oral weakness

Stuttering is not a disease and does not require medication.

No. There is no evidence to prove that emotional trauma triggers stuttering, there is no increase in incidence among children in war zone areas or natural calamities.

How to interact with a person who stutters?

  • Sustain eye contact
  • Give them time to complete the sentence
  • Avoid saying ‘talk slowly’
  • Refer them to an SLP