World Hearing Day was celebrated at Institute Premises on 3.3.2023
An exhibition was conducted with talks on various aspects of hearing. The theme was ' Ear and Hearing care for all" and the event was registered with WHO. SES school…
An exhibition was conducted with talks on various aspects of hearing. The theme was ' Ear and Hearing care for all" and the event was registered with WHO. SES school…
Free Hearing Screening camp was conducted at Primary Health Centre at Heasarugatta Mr.Lokesh and Mr.Arif organised and excuted the program
WEBINAR Feeding Issues and their Intervention in ASD was (Sensory Motor and Behavioral Approaches)conducted on 6.02.2023 by Ms. Ramya Kumar (Pediatric SLP) and Ms. Radhika Poovayya, M.Sc(Sp & Hg), BCBA
NSS camp conducted was at Gollahalli Village, Dodallapur Taluk from 28.01.2023 to 4.02.2023
Staffs of Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing and Samvaad Therapy Centre went for a day out trip at Discovery Village at Kanakapura on 26.1.2023
On 16th December a Sound Scouts project in association with National Acoustics Laboratory, Australia was conducted at Daffodils school Sanjay nagar
17th December celebrated Christmas party at the inst.
ADIP Scheme camp in cooperation with AYJNIHSD (D), Mumbai was held on 6th, 7th and 8th December 2022 at Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing
Rangoli competition for students was held on 2nd December 2022 as a part of cultural event at Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing
Poem writing and Carrom competition for students held on 17th November 2022 at Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing