

Stammering is a speech disorder that affects about 1% of the adult population. Although the prevalence in children is 2 to 5 percent but 70 to 80 percent of children, usually outgrow it within 12 months. However, with no indicators on who will outgrow their stammering, we recommend speech therapy for all children to ease the difficulty and reduce any emotional problems that may develop due to their stammering.

The cause of stammering may be unknown to us, but there is no evidence to show that stuttering can be learned from imitation or that it occurs due to lack of confidence or parental or peer pressure. As per research, the only significant factor may be heredity.


At Samvaad, we follow a behavioural approach to treatment which uses a reward system for children to maintain their motivation for therapy. For adults we use methods to reduce speech difficulties and provide psychological counseling/ cognitive therapy to reduce associated anxiety. We offer an intensive 12-day program at the beginning of the treatment phase and slowly reduce it to once or twice a week. All sessions are individual and group sessions will be added if required.

Frequently Asked Questions

The only evidence is that genetics contributes to the increased likelihood and that the incidence in males is more than in females in the ratio of 4:1

There is no evidence to prove that emotional trauma triggers stuttering. Furthermore, research shows no increase in stuttering among children in war zone areas or areas affected by natural calamities. There is also no supporting evidence showing that stammering is due to parental pressure, anxiety, or poor self-esteem.

Yes, in the UK the word ‘stammering’ is commonly used and in the USA they call it ‘stuttering’. Both of these terms are used in India.

There are some useful things to keep in mind when one is interacting with a person who stutters –

  • Maintain eye contact with the person.
  • Give them the time to complete their sentence.
  • There are some useful things to keep in mind when one is interacting with a person who stutters.
  • You may refer them to a Speech-Language Therapist.

Stammering is a mysterious disorder and its nature is that it is variable and unpredictable. Clients report varied severity during the same day and some report no stuttering for months.